Did you know that there was a Dictionary of Idioms? I should have ceased long ago to be surprised by what is available online at the drop of a hat, in mere seconds you can find practically any information you could imagine. But, looking for a title for this entry, I decided to double check my facts and make sure I was using that particular phrase in an acceptable way. I didn't want to appear idiotic, especially since my entry involves education. So, "binging" the phrase I discovered
this, fount of all English usage knowledge. What a magnificent thing. We need never be confused again! Or, perhaps most importantly, we need never appear unintelligent after using a phrase incorrectly, leaving us feeling like Alanis Morissette after the she released the song "Ironic" which should have been called "Dude, It's Just Plain Bad Luck." I also have become quite enamored of the online thesaurus available
here. Ahhhh, life is good. So, without further ado, my blog title quite simply refers to my new Adventure. A Moment of Truth. I am going back to school. I will do it online, which may be difficult for a procrastinator like me. However, I am going to do it. I will have to tighten my belt, financially speaking, even though that will also be approaching the impossible for me. In fact, that may well be the hardest part of the whole venture. I love to buy stuff. Which brings me to the reason for bringing it up in the first place. I will be, I 'm sure, utilizing this avenue of expression as free therapy as I attempt to 1) Spend less 2) Do my assignments in a timely manner AND 3) do my assignments in a timely manner THERE! I have made myself accountable!!
Let the wild rumpus start.....
So much to comment on! Many a time I have thought about Alannis and her poor choice of words, especially when I'm claiming something is "ironic!" I had no idea there was an on-line site devoted to this very thing...
And what are you going back to school for? I toss this idea around ALL THE TIME. And I wasted so much time thinking about it that my husband decided to go back instead. D'oh!
And, Let the wild rumpus start! Have you seen the preview for Where The Wild Things Are? It looks so amazing, I can't wait to see it!
Good luck with your back to school endeavor!
Ha! I can't even LISTEN to that song! I am always thinking, "Couldn't she at least have checked the definition before releasing the song??"
I am going to back to school for my Bachelor's. It just seems like the thing to do! I have an Associate's and I'm an RN, which is fine, but, it seems like the BSN is the thing to have. I don't want to do anything different at this point, but when my kids are finished with school and off to college I will be wanting to change things up a bit. I am not big on sameness, funny enough. I like to make big moves sometimes, so this should fit the bill. It was either that or "move living room furniture about"... Maybe after your husband is done it will be your turn! At least you can bring up how supportive you've been and use it as a bit of encouragement to get him to agree! I do want to see the Wild Things movie, though I am slightly nervous it will not be what I would have done and I will be disappointed. There is no way to not love those Wild Things though, is there!!?? They look so much like the ones that have been living in my head nigh on 35 years, now. Maybe we could meet halfway and see it together....!
Congrats! My mom was a nurse. A BSN seems to be the only way to have mobility in your choice of tasks. Mom wound up doing Medicare review right before she retired.
Ha! Last year for my Eglish class my teacher was going over what 'ironic' actually means and she made us listen to that song and after she said "pretty much the exact oposite of that", but when I was talking to my sister about that she disaggreed and now we have a game where we think up ironic situations. Even though it sounds silly, it's actually really funny.
Here's an example (disregard its morbidity, is that a word?):
So, you can't make it to your friends wedding so you send her flowers, and without realizing what they mean symbolically, you send her flowers that represent death. The day they arrive (wedding day) the groom takes them from the bride and suffers a heartattack and dies...it's depressing, I know, but it IS ironic.
Good lucky with going back to school! I give you all of my suport in NOT procrastinating because I know I couldnever make it... So, once again I send all my powers of concentration and "gett 'er done" vibes to you...
Lauren, I LOVE git'er done vibes! Thanks! And thanks to everyone for your encouragement and kind words. I am doing horribly on the spending front, but I keep arguing that everyone needs fall clothes, and my table will feel completely neglected if I don't buy that new Halloween table runner. How will "Table" ever manage to show it's face in the neighborhood again? Oh wait, it's a table. Anyway, I've got to rein it in... Thanks again for being my friends in the blogiverse. This has been so much fun!
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